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Nosebleeds aren’t that bad

Oct. 1, 2013—This past Sunday, I went to the Tennessee Titans football game and I was sitting up in the section commonly referred to as the "nosebleed seats." Here is an account of my experiences sitting in the heavens.

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Lessons Learned

Aug. 5, 2013—In honor of my last few days in Nashville before heading home for a week and a half before I move in for the last time (sob), I present to you a list of just a few of the real life lessons I've learned this summer.

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Symphonie Fantastique

Nov. 7, 2012—So what better for Blair kids to do on their Friday night than go to the Schermerhorn Symphony Center for a delightful evening of music? We boarded the bus downtown, and when we arrived, we saw around half of our school there. From the pianists to violists to vocalists to horn players, the Blair School of Music had invaded the Nashville Symphony. Yes, that is what we music majors do to kick off our weekends.

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