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The Great Apartment Hunt

May. 8, 2014—Good news, dear readers--it looks like I'll be staying in Nashville for at least a little while post-grad! More on that later, most likely, but this brings me to something that has been taking up most of my free time: apartment hunting.

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British Invasion

Aug. 7, 2012—As if you haven’t been hearing about London enough (I’ve been glued to my tv from 8-12 every night—it’s healthy I know), I have some more exciting news about studying abroad.

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They don’t clean my bathroom anymore?

Feb. 9, 2011—Throughout my Vanderbilt career I have truly had some great luck in my housing! Freshman year I lived in Branscomb, (Yes, I am that OLD that I never lived on the Commons). Branscomb is the dorm that is right beside Greek row, has a Munchie Mart in the bottom, a great study lounge, and a...

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