Studying Category
“Don’t let schooling interfere with your education”- Mark Twain
Dec. 9, 2013—This happened quite a while ago but I feel compelled to speak about it because of the thoughts it evoked from me. I am talking about choosing next semester’s classes. It is actually difficult to fathom that an entire semester at this beautiful school has come and gone just like that. It literally feels like...
Captain Philips and the John Rich Hunger Games.
Dec. 9, 2013—I know that title is a bit of a mouthful but read on to know why. So I was sitting down a few days ago and I got thinking about all that’s happened this semester. My conclusion: Vandy wants me to have as much fun as possible. So earlier on this semester I had the...
The Sound of Music Remixed: The Saga That Was Picking My Classes
Dec. 8, 2013—I’ve recently been inspired by Carrie Underwood’s live TV performance in the Sound of Music, so I now proudly, unabashedly present my own recreation of one of my favorite songs from this magical musical, all about picking my schedule. Also, I address how I settled on my schedule for my first two semesters at Vandy. Happy Holidays. Happy Finals-Procrastinating. Happy Reading.
Avoiding Death during Dead Week
Dec. 3, 2013—In just under 5 days, I will begin the grueling week long marathon that is exam week. With a total of 5 exams to take during the 7 day period, it's going to be an unpleasant week.
The Thanksgiving Scramble
Nov. 18, 2013—It is Monday. This is my list of things to do: Time to freak out. Not. This week, the week before Thanksgiving Break, is probably the worst week of the fall semester. It doesn’t help that there is only week after Thanksgiving before Finals start. Scary, scary times. How do you combat this feeling of...
Church Service for Class
Nov. 8, 2013—This past Wednesday night, I attended Reform University Fellowship (RUF). I know what you're thinking. First, why would I need to attend a church service for class? And second, aren't you Jewish? I am, and that is precisely why I decided to attend a campus ministry worship service.
Better than a Business Major
Nov. 7, 2013—Are you thinking of majoring in Business? Think again! Because we don't have a business major....
A Lecture at the Parthenon
Oct. 30, 2013—I recently attended a lecture at the Nashville Parthenon and it has reminded me just how lucky I am to live in a city so dedicated to celebrating history and art. How many people can study for their Greek art history exam by walking in the park?!