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A Night at the Nashville Symphony

Apr. 7, 2012—Commonly referred to as the Music City, Nashville is a bustling area with a unique music scene. One of the many unforgettable musical experiences is the Nashville Symphony...

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Home Sweet Home: The Mayfields

Mar. 27, 2012—Information about the Living Learning Communities on Vanderbilt's campus, more specifically the Mayfields!

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Basketball Band and the NCAA Women’s Tournament

Mar. 24, 2012—This past Sunday I was invited to cheer on our Lady ‘Dores in the Women’s NCAA Basketball Tournament as a member of the Spirit of Gold Basketball Pep Band.

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ASB: “A Day in the Life” in San Juan, Texas

Mar. 20, 2012—This is a little blurb about one of my best spring break experiences in my life. I participated in an organization called Alternate Spring Break (ASB) where students travel to different sites domestically and abroad to engage in a week of service. This is definitely a longer blog, but it doesn't even cover HALF the things I wanted to say about this great organization. If you are interested in learning about a unique way to spend your spring break during your time at Vanderbilt (because you should come to Vandy!), then read on!

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Double ‘Dores: The Perks of Going to the Same College as Your Sibling

Mar. 15, 2012—I was the only student from my high school who came to Vanderbilt this past fall. However, I knew one other person when I arrived to campus. My older brother Ryan is a junior at Vandy. Attending the same college as Ryan has had many advantages, from little perks to having the opportunity to strengthen our relationship.

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A Freshman in Disguise: Move Crew 2011

Feb. 19, 2012—If you ask any undergraduate student about the day he or she first moved to college, he or she can give you a clear account of that eventful day. Mainly, this is due to the excitement, anticipation, and possibly fears of moving into a new home. However, if you ask a Vanderbilt student, all the students remember move in day because of Move Crew.

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