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A Day in the Life

Sep. 22, 2019—I’ve written a few times about what a typical day in my life looks like, so I thought I’d give an updated version of a day in my life now that I’m in my senior year. Each day looks a little different, so I’ll try to paint a picture of what life is like these...

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Class Overview: Fall 2019

Sep. 15, 2019—Time here at Vandy is flying by, so I’m making yet another semesterly post on the classes I have the opportunity to take here (as a senior now!). I’m particularly excited for this semester because I’m getting to take classes more specific to my majors and electives for fun now that I’ve completed all of...

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Senior Year Bucket List

Sep. 8, 2019—As senior year gets rolling, there are a number of things I want to accomplish before the end of the year. To be completely honest, some of these are borrowed from my junior year bucket list as there were a handful of activities that I didn’t end up doing (sometimes life gets in the way...

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Welcoming the Class of 2023

Sep. 1, 2019—If you know me in the slightest, you know that I spend a great deal of my time at Vanderbilt thinking about the first-year experience and how to improve it. That is why I’m involved with VUcept, our first-year mentorship program on campus. Every year, VUceptors help new students orient themselves to campus when they...

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Summer 2019 Recap

Aug. 22, 2019—Happy fall! I hope all of you had a great summer. Before the school year gets too far underway, I thought I would catch you up regarding what I’ve been up to over the last couple of months. If you have been keeping up with my posts for a while, you’ll know that I was...

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How I Prepped for the MCAT as a Vanderbilt Student

Apr. 8, 2019—Being a college student means that life can often seem hectic. Between classes, extracurricular commitments, and friends, these four years take balance and a whole lot of time management. As a junior, one other thing was added to my already-busy load at Vanderbilt: studying for the MCAT. So, I thought I’d share what that process...

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Big Things This Spring

Apr. 1, 2019—This spring is definitely the busiest one I’ve had during my Vanderbilt experience so far. Not only are classes enough to keep me occupied, but I’ve been given the chance to participate in a lot of other incredible experiences as well.   Upon returning from winter break, Panhellenic sororities began recruitment almost immediately. While recruitment...

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Summer 2019 Plans

Mar. 25, 2019—If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you’ll know that I post updates each year on how I’m planning to spend my summer break. This year is a bit different. I still have some plans, but after three years of hard work, my main plan for the summer is to REST. With the...

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Service at Vanderbilt and Beyond

Feb. 4, 2019—Being at a school like Vanderbilt comes with a lot of privilege: I am able to study things I am interested in and have rich experiences thanks to the environment that my school provides. Something that has become increasingly important to me throughout my time at Vanderbilt is giving back to others in the way...

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Shadowing 101

Jan. 28, 2019—A big part of being a pre-med student is seeking out opportunities to learn about the field outside of the classroom. One of the best ways to do this is through shadowing physicians. Shadowing entails following a physician around over the course of a regular work day, and seeing what their career looks like up...

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