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Deniz Gungor ’20

Hi everyone!

I’m Deniz, a current senior majoring in Medicine, Health, and Society (MHS) and minoring in French, on the pre-med track. I’m also co-president of Inside ‘Dores this year! Some of my other extracurricular involvements include Lakshya (Bollywood Fusion dance team), Glamour Gals, and SPEAR (Students Promoting Environmental Awareness and Responsibility). Though I lived most of my life in Shreveport, LA, I’ve also lived in other cities growing up like Little Rock, AR; Pittsburgh, PA; Istanbul, Turkey; and Round Rock, TX. If we have a place in common, let me know!

I like to think of my blog posts as a way for me to personally keep track of what’s going on, and also to let prospective students know about all the cool things that happen here. Additionally, I’ve enjoyed featuring interviews with various other students around campus so that more diverse perspectives and experiences get shared.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me, whether it’s about pre-med, MHS, French, diversity, or anything about Vandy life in general! If there are any topics you would like to see more of on the blog, please let me know!


My recent posts: