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Senior Schedule Semester 1!

Posted by on Wednesday, August 28, 2019 in Academics, College Life, College of Arts and Science, General Information, Student Life.

Now that I’ve been to all of my classes at least once, my schedule is finalized. Keep reading to see what my class schedule looks like as a 1st-semester senior!

I must say, this is my most academically relaxed semester since coming to college because I had to front-load many of my rigorous courses. 12 credit hours is pretty nice so far!

Biodiversity, Climate Change, and Our Health: An upper-level bio course, in this class we are learning about the intersection of these three topics. I took this class because of both my interest in the subject matter, as well the fact that it qualifies as an upper-level science course, which medical schools recommend. Our professor, Dr. Amanda Benson, is a superb lecturer, as well. She is so engaging that class seems to go by so quickly!

Medical French: This is the last class I am taking to complete my French minor, and it’s a double win because the content is super relevant to my future career plan of becoming a physician! I am hoping that by the end of the semester I would be able to communicate in French with patients in the future if the opportunity arises. The Spanish department also has a similar class, so if you are pre-med and want to gain a competitive edge I would recommend taking a class like this!

Physics II with Lab (1602): This is the last required class I am taking for pre-med, and looks like this will be my most demanding class in the sense that it has a lot of homework to be done regularly. But that shouldn’t be too bad since at this point I know how best to study physics, which is to keep up with homework and in-class practice problems before they pile up! I also am taking the class with Dr. Dutta, who I had last semester, and am familiar with his methods. The Lab component also seems pretty chill – especially since my TA is helpful.

MHS Research for Credit: This semester I am continuing to work with a behavioral medicine research group in VUMC’s Nephrology Department, though for 2 credit hours which implies roughly 6 hours a week in person. This semester I will be helping write up the project to be submitted for journals, so it’s pretty exciting! Additionally, I’ll be able to pick a specific piece of the overall study that I find interesting so I can really dive deep into analyzing it.


If you have any questions about my schedule or pre-med things, please email me!


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