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Wonderful Moments in March

Posted by on Sunday, March 31, 2019 in Academics, Art, Commons, Dance, Dining, Diversity, Food, Professors.

After the rejuvenating spring break, school days in March have been fruitful. I talked with friends and shared fun stories about the break. With respect to academics, I finished several exams and designed a bilingual doll for a toy project. At the end of March, I hope to recap some lovely moments of the month.

The Mosaic Exhibition

In mid-March, the Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery started an exhibition of mosaics. Works of five mosaic artists portray legends, daily life scenes, and scenarios with imaginative elements. Some of the art pieces involve theatrical depictions. Because of the dynamic texture and color of glass, stone, and ceramics, the stories and emotions are vivid.

Farm to Table

This was Campus Dining’s biggest food event of the year. One meal swipe was equal to an all-you-can-eat meal of local and fresh food at Rand, the Pub, and Local Java. In the dining areas decorated with vibrant plants, my friend and I enjoyed mini poke bowls, cinnamon ice cream with baked pear slices, smoothies topped with goji berries, and cherry tomatoes with hummus dip. We relished the dishes and celebrated sustainable food culture—this was a night to savor!

Café con Leche

Café con Leche is an annual Latin cultural showcase held by the Association of Latin American Students.

A dance in Café con Leche

This year, its energetic dances underscored interactions between dance partners. Music throughout the event was so engaging that I hoped to join the people on the stage in dancing to the melodies. The dynamic lighting showed vibrant silhouettes of the performers.

A French Class at the Commons Center

“Nous allons marcher à the Commons, boire du café et parler en français tout le temps. Allons-y!” On Friday, my French professor took the class to the Commons Center. When we enjoyed the spring breeze and beverages, we discussed in French each person’s summer vacation, plan on French learning, and favorite restaurants in Nashville. This professor fits the Chinese ideal of teaching: 教书育人, which means “imparting knowledge and nurturing the students.” She cares about our academic performances and personal growth. Everyone in my class loves her.

My First “Campus Tour Guide” Experience

Flowers near Neely Auditorium

Flowers of different colors blossomed around the campus, and I was glad the beauty of nature here delighted not only the Vanderbilt community, but also people who visited our campus. にぎやかでしたね。(“It was lively, wasn’t it?” in Japanese) When I was walking to my dorm after the refreshing French class, a prospective student and her parent asked me what the gothic-style architecture was for. I then introduced the building, which was E. Bronson Ingram College, Carmichael Towers, and the living learning communities. The two said, “you are a great tour guide.” The compliment made my day.


These two months have been hectic: exams, applications, assignments, and so on. Meanwhile, dining, arts, academics, and interactions with others can be sources of joy. Efforts will pay off and take some time to reflect. Hope you harvest fruits of your hard work!

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