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Spring Classes

Posted by on Sunday, January 28, 2018 in Academics, College Life, College of Arts and Science, General Information, Pre-Med, Pre-Med, Student Life, Studying.

The spring semester has been off to a great start! I am a bit late in posting about my classes, but nevertheless, here is a my schedule for the next few months!

  • Intro to Archaeology (ANTH 1201W): Mondays and Wednesdays 8:45-10:00 am
    • Mainly taking this class for the writing requirement, and the fact that it only meets twice a week so that makes Friday mornings pretty chill. Archaeology also seems to be quite interesting and is an underrated subject! Fun fact: I had the same teacher for Food in the Ancient World last semester, so it is nice to keep building a relationship with her.
  • Biology (BSCI 1511): Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11:10-12:00
    • Bio lecture part 2. So far I like it better than first semester bio because my professor is great and the material is more interesting
  • Organic Chemistry (CHEM 2222): Tuesday and Thursday 9:35-10:50
    • Orgo lecture part 2. Let’s face it, orgo is going to be a tough class no matter what. I do like my professor quite a bit so far because he encourages understanding of concepts instead of rote memorization.
  • French Literature (FREN 3102): Tuesday and Thursday 11:00-12:15
    • The last core requirement for my French minor! After this class I’ll only need 2 electives, which should be fairly easy to do next year or if I study abroad next summer. My teacher is super enthusiastic about the material, and makes class super fun. Her lectures are very animated and her excitement just diffuses into us being more excited.
  • Orgo lab (CHEM 2222L): Tuesday 1:10-5:00
    • 4 hours wooooooooo – it is long for sure. But ya gotta do it. I think my TA is pretty cool so far, and I am excited to do some cool experiments!
  • Bio lab (BSCI 1511L): Wednesday 1:10-4:00
    • Yet another lab, but this one is only 3 hours long. Luckily my lab partner is a friend, which make lab a bit more bearable. We’ve seen some pretty neat stuff with microscopes, and I look forward to doing more cool things this semester!
  • Organic chem recitation: Monday 3:10-4:00
    • Funny story: Last Monday I actually showed up at a different recitation in a different classroom but was the same time as mine. I must have gotten the room number wrong, because it was an all-freshman orgo recitation that I went to! I stuck around for a short quiz, but then I realized my mistake. Now I know where to go tomorrow, haha.

My schedule now is quite similar to last semester, but I think that will enable this semester to go more smoothly since I know already how to study for bio and orgo more efficiently. I am also better – I think – at managing my time for studying and social events and working out and stuff. Here’s to a great spring 2018!


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