Summer Recap: My Time in Copenhagen
Earlier this year, I posted about my application process for summer study abroad programs, and this summer, I was lucky enough to be accepted into the Danish Institute for Study Abroad (DIS) to take classes in Copenhagen for six weeks. While I was in Copenhagen, I took two classes: The Meaning of Style and Children in a Multicultural Context. Both of these classes counted either towards my major or minor at Vanderbilt, and because I was taking at least six credit hours abroad, I also received AXLE credit for the International Cultures requirement. My favorite parts of the classes were the immersive field trips we took around the city to make our learning more hands on. In my first class, we visited the Danish Design Museum, Fredriksborg Castle, and the Glass Markets.

For most of the classes offered, there is even a week long trip to another country to help students learn about even more countries and cultures. My Children in a Multicultural Context class went to London for a week where we were able to visit Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, and many childcare institutions to compare education in Demark and England.

Despite how interesting and dynamic my classes were, my favorite part of Copenhagen was exploring the city with my new roommates. DIS coordinated all of the housing for us, and I was lucky enough to be placed in an apartment in the heart of downtown Copenhagen, just a five minute walk from my classes! My apartment was split into three floors with twelve American study abroad students on each floor, complete with our own kitchens and living rooms. My floor got very close very quickly and enjoyed going to dinner (our favorite was a street food market called Paper Island), finding new towers to climb, and shopping on Copenhagen’s main street.

My roommates and I also planned several independent trips to Møns Klint in Copenhagen, Sweden, Norway, France, and Italy.

Living in Copenhagen this summer was one of the best experiences of my life, and I would definitely recommend that everyone try to study abroad– especially in Copenhagen!