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Finals Week at Vanderbilt

Posted by on Thursday, December 15, 2016 in Academics, Finals, General Information.

Finals is the time of year when I run out of space in my planner, stay up later than normal writing papers, and make a million different study guides. And while I don’t typically drink coffee, I dive into that universe during Finals Week. There’s nothing quite like it– it’s a unique concoction of stress and success.

This year, I had three papers due the week before finals (all on one day, I might add) plus four final exams during finals week. Needless to say, it’s been a busy week with tons of writing and studying. One minute you’re feeling good about the final, and the next, you are overwhelmed with how much you need to learn.

But I wouldn’t want to tackle finals anywhere other than Vanderbilt. For starters, the student body here is supportive instead of competitive. My friends and I are always here to help one another study, encourage each other during the tough weeks, and pick each other up when we don’t do as well on assignments as we’d like.

Not to mention, there are so many great study spots on campus. Our Central Library is one of the main hubs for studying, especially during finals, and it offers tons of individual study carrels and larger tables if you need the space. It’s also a great spot to go when you need a silent area to read or write. For livelier study spots, Panera Bread (Their Asiago Cheese Bagels are my go-to study snakc) and Starbucks are right by campus and offer a great area to go when you want some background noise.

Aside from studying, the campus also has a wide range of study break options. Hillsboro Village, which is right behind Commons where all first year students live, has ice cream, coffee, and cute shops. Downtown is a quick five minute drive with tons of places to eat and live entertainment (Nashville is Music City, after all).

Thankfully, I turned in all of my papers and I’ve completed three of my four exams, with one left to take on Saturday. The best part about finals, though, is the feeling of accomplishment you get when you completed another semester at Vandy. This is my third round of finals at Vanderbilt, so in a few days, I will be half way through my second year of college (and let’s not talk about how sad that makes me). It’s a good feeling to have completed another set of classes, especially during a challenging semester.

I’m excited to have another round in the books and I cannot wait to see what next semester has in store. As always, if you have any questions about student life, applying, or Vanderbilt as a whole, please do not hesitate to contact me at



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