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WRVU Radio and YOU!

Posted by on Friday, December 4, 2015 in College Life, Extracurriculars, Music, Student Organizations.

Once a week, I host a radio show on Vanderbilt’s independent radio station WRVU Nashville. My show, called “Groove Shake Move Ok!”, lasts about an hour and has a listenership all over the world. But that is not the only, or even the best, thing WRVU has done for me.

Several times a week I will get an email with the subject line “Interview Opportunity” and a band’s name. Whether the act is a local artist or a much bigger personality (such as the guitarist from Portugal. The Man or the whole band Red Jumpsuit Apparatus), anybody who is currently a WRVU DJ, regardless of experience, is allowed to accept the opportunity. For the interview, the DJ will either host the artist live on air during their show slot OR meet the band at the venue for a quick backstage Q&A. For me, as well as other students who may be thinking about going into the music business, the real experience in interviewing and face-to-facing with bands is crazy valuable for future comfort and success.

My favorite interview experience this semester was the time I interviewed a female Australian duo dubbed “Oh Pep!” in studio while they were in town.

Photo Credit: WRVU Nashville

They came in for an hour, during which we laughed about their habits on the road, talked about their formation and history as Oh Pep!, and they played a series of acoustic songs on the violin and guitar. Not only did the interview go well, but two weeks later I saw on their Facebook they had done a Tiny Desk Concert for NPR (a high honor for up-and-coming talent) a couple days after my interview!

Being in the music city, a large percent of Vanderbilt students have an interest in either listening to or playing music. WRVU provides a neat place for us to both explore and share what we do like, while also gaining new influences from other DJs and getting hands on experience in music business. If you find yourself at Vanderbilt with a hankering for new friends and new tunes, stop by WRVU and see if it’s right for you!

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