Welcome to Fall Break
Ah, the beautiful sound of leaves crunching under every step you take. You know what that means…
Fall break!
And, more importantly, waking up to the even more beautiful sound of no alarm for the next four mornings.
The beginning of fall break marks the end of midterm season for most of us here at Vanderbilt. The past couple of weeks undoubtedly have been challenging with the many papers and tests in my classes, but there’s something to be said for a good challenge. I’m growing as a learner, taking really interesting classes, and broadening my perspectives. Midterm season gives you all it has, but you simply give it all you have back.
Not to mention, Vanderbilt is the perfect backdrop for studying. With such beautiful weather over the weekend, I stretched out on a blanket on Peabody lawn for an afternoon of midterm review and picturesque scenery (check photo below for proof). The playful squirrels and sounds of friends saying hi as they walked by were a nice contrast to my typical choice of studying in the quietest and most secluded place I can find. Being outdoors offered a sense of renewal and relaxation even while I was hard at work, just what I needed before tackling my midterms.

And now that my midterms are mostly over, I have no problem sending them away and welcoming fall break. I am staying on campus these four days, so I am looking forward to catching up on some sleep and rewinding from the first half of the semester. Tomorrow my friends and I are heading to the Green Hills movie theater to watch Hamlet performed by a theater production company in London. They are streaming the play in movie theaters across America for one night only, so I will be in attendance, deeply reinforcing the English major stereotype. (Seriously, I am so excited for this!)
Over the weekend, we also plan to grab some of Nashville’s finest food. Nashville was voted one of the best cities for foodies, and it does not disappoint. The best part, though, is that some of Nashville’s restaurants accept Vanderbilt’s meal money through the Taste of Nashville program, so we can explore the restaurants around campus.
No matter what we decide to do, I am glad that fall break has officially arrived.
Stay well and be kind,