Farewell, Freshman Year!
So here is it. It’s time for this post: the post that simultaneously seemed too far away to worry about but also the post that I have been dreading to write. It’s time for my final blog post of the year and the last time I will be blogging as a freshman (note to self: remember to update Inside ‘Dores bio to say ‘Sophomore’. Eeek!)
It’s true what they say: freshman year really does go past so quickly (even though it may not seem like it when you’re up at midnight working on a Calculus problem set or trying to get that last-minute essay done). It is so hard for me to describe in words how amazing this year has been but, given that I am a blogger, I should probably try. This year has been a year of ‘new-ness’: new school, new country and new start. I have learned so much and, as cliché as it sounds, I have grown in so many different ways (including outwards, unfortunately. With Vandy’s awesome meal plan, the freshman fifteen is kind of a real thing). While my freshman year definitely has not been all plain sailing, I have learned from my mistakes and I feel so much stronger. Here are a few of my top ‘new things’ that have made this year the best year of my life.
New friends
One of the best things about the Vanderbilt community is that everyone is so supportive. We all help each other out and we go through the highs and lows together. My friends here are amazing and I have made memories that I know will stay with me forever. I am so thankful to have had these guys with me and I cannot imagine what my freshman year would have been like without them. I am going to miss them all like crazy over the summer. Thank goodness for Skype!

New family
If you have read my other posts, you’re probably sick of me talking about Stambaugh and my HAC so I’ll try to keep this brief. Living on The Commons has been a great experience and has fostered such a strong sense of community across all the ten Houses. However, I feel the bond is strongest within my own House, Stambaugh. The HAC, RAs and my fabulous Head of House, AlPal and her husband, David, have really made Stambaugh my home-away-from-home and they have become a true family to me. Although we won’t be living together next year, I have no doubt that the bond between my StamFam will continue to strengthen over the next three years.

New experiences
I have had so many new experiences here at Vanderbilt and this year has been a series of firsts (throwback to my very first Inside ‘Dores blog post!). From going to my first Holi to being taught Vietnamese from a friend from Hanoi, I have loved learning about different cultures and embracing Vanderbilt’s amazing diversity.

New organizations
Vanderbilt’s range of extracurricular opportunities is simply outstanding. Through joining different organizations, and even helping set-up a couple of new ones, I have met a bunch of amazing people and have had so many opportunities for personal growth. This is one of the best things about Vanderbilt: you learn so much about your major in class and even more about yourself outside of class. This year has helped me find my true passions, further develop my leadership skills and be better prepared to take on the real world.

New favourite word
I struggled against it. I fought it and resisted as best as I could. But now it has happened and I think it is time for me to admit it: ‘y’all’ is now a permanent part of my vocabulary. I am thoroughly anticipating being mocked by all my friends back home but I am proud to be taking a little bit of the South back with me to England.
So, dear readers, this is probably that last you’ll hear from me for the rest of the semester. It’s time for me to hide away in the library under lock-down until the end of finals. However, as always, I love hearing from you so if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at ishani.pabari@vanderbilt.edu. Thanks so much for reading Inside ‘Dores this year – I really hope that is has been useful for you. I am so excited for you guys to start your Vanderbilt adventure and I can’t wait to meet you Class of 2019-ers in the fall. Trust me: you’re in for an amazing ride.
#VU2018 #VU2019