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Semester Two, Semester New

Posted by on Thursday, January 22, 2015 in Academics, College Life, Food, Freshman Life, Greek Life, New Year.

New classes, long lines at the post office, and even a couple of sunny days this week – this can only mean one thing. IT’S SEMESTER TWO Y’ALL.

Okay, maybe the new semester actually started about three weeks ago, but my busyness pretty much shows how exciting this semester is shaping up to be. Here are some of the things I’m pumped about (and some of the things you should be pumped about if you’re coming here next year – looking at you, Class of 2019!)

1. Coming back to friends. The beginning of my first semester was a whirlwind, but what I do remember was the fact that I was coming to a completely new place where I knew absolutely NO ONE. The beginning of second semester, on the other hand, was a completely different story. I was on Winter Break for four weeks due to my lovely lack of final exams last semester, so seeing my friends for the first time in pretty much an entire month was quite the exciting time.

Mem fam back in business!

2.  New classes. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my classes last semester, but it’s always refreshing to have a whole new set of classes. It’s definitely one of the things I love most about college academics in comparison to high school, and with eight semesters worth of schedules to fill during your time at Vanderbilt, you’ll have plenty of time to explore the seemingly infinite number of classes offered (I am a little bit addicted to looking at YES, which is our course registration site. Like, I’ve pretty much memorized the course catalog. It’s a problem.) Some highlights for this semester: Educational Psychology, Intro to Programming and Problem Solving (a.k.a. computer science), and Harry Potter and Child Development. Yes, you read that correctly. More to come on that later.

3. SMOOTHIES AT COMMONS. If you’ve been reading my blogs since last semester, you know that I have a bit of an infatuation with Commons breakfast (or any food, really). I am here today to tell you that Commons breakfast has done the impossible – it has actually improved. And significantly, too. So Commons now has a make-your-own smoothie bar. All you have to do is pick your ingredients, and the wonderful people there will blend it to perfection for you. The possibilities are endless. My personal favorite combination is mangos, peaches, pineapple juice, and a scoop of yogurt. I kid you not, I literally get one every day.

Ugh so much deliciousness. Can't wait 'til tomorrow to get another.

4. Going Greek. Those are two words I thought I’d never write about myself, and I will definitely talk a lot more about this as the semester goes on, but I am so, so, SO excited to announce that I am now an Alpha member of the Panhellenic sorority Alpha Delta Pi (commonly known as ADPi around campus). This week has been crazy with Bid Day and bonding events, but getting to be a part of such an amazing group of girls has been quite the start to my second semester at Vanderbilt.


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