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The Last Last Bash

Posted by on Friday, May 9, 2014 in General Information, Greek Life, Student Life.

This post is coming a bit late, but what else is new? It wouldn’t be blogging if I weren’t just a little bit behind. Every year, my sorority has its last date event the Thursday before the Rites of Spring music festival. Called Last Bash, it’s always a fun time hanging out with sisters, and what makes it different from other date parties is that the senior pledge class is allowed to bring TWO dates, since it’s a sort of send-off for the senior class.

My friends Abby, Helena, and I took advantage of this and we ended up with a huge group of our friends all going to the party–it was definitely one of my favorites, just for this reason! My two dates were Victoria and our friend Daniel.  The theme of the party was ‘Throwback Thursday‘ (#tbt, if you will.) and since I’m OBSESSED with the show Friends, I decided that this was an excellent opportunity to take advantage of that–so I made us all “Ross Geller Bachelor Bash 1998” t-shirts, complete with best man Joey Tribbiani and all.  We rounded out our 90’s look with some flannel tied around our waists, and we were good to go!

All in all, it was just a supa fun last date party, and I couldn’t have asked for better dates or a more fun night with my sisters and friends! I will definitely miss AOII after I graduate, but this was a fun and not-super-emotional way to finish up my four years in the house.

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