[Second Semester] Senior Year, We Rule The School!
Hello all!
So my last semester of college is officially here. Honestly, I am still in shock. But the end is not here until I *breeze* (lolsjk) through my final classes here at VU. Most students at Vanderbilt take anywhere from 12-18 hours a semester, but the normal load tends to be about 15 hours, which is (most of the time) five classes. Because of a few scheduling problems and going abroad, I (unfortunately) am not in the same boat as half of my senior friends who are currently taking anywhere from 3-12 hours. SMH. I on the other hand, am going out with a bang and taking 18 hours worth of credits. So here are the six classes standing in between me and graduation day:
Philosophy 234, Philosophy of Education: This is my last, but certainly not least, class for my philosophy major. We are focusing on education and the social construction of reality and knowledge, and how they all play out in the world. I love philosophy, and the class has about six people in it, so I am really looking forward to great in class debates and conversations.
Communication Studies 200, Argumentation and Debate: This is a small class I am in with about a dozen other students, and throughout the semester we will essentially learn how to debate. This class is double counting for my Communication Studies major as well as my AXLE 200 level writing requirement. Me and super star blogger @Erica Graff are debate partners for the semester, what what!!
Communication Studies 220, The Rhetoric of the American Experience, 1640-1865: This class focuses on the time period mentioned above (colonial times through the civil war) and is essentially a critical and historical examination of the methods and effects of rhetoric and its attempts to influence the attitudes,affective responses and behaviors of the American people. This class is for my Communication Studies major.
Communication Studies 222, The Rhetorical Tradition: This is another smaller class I am in that focuses on the development of rhetorical concepts from classical Greece to the present. We will be studying a bunch of rhetoricians and their works, and come to better understand the history of rhetoric. I am really excited for this class because we will be studying the works from many philosophers, especially from ancient Greece, and that is one of my favorite subjects. This class is for my Communication Studies major as well (are you seeing a trend here).
Communication Studies 235, Communicating Gender: This is a class that looks at the dominant modes of communicating gender ideology, and their effects on policy, politics, and popular culture. All of the readings and projects for this class look awesome, so I am definitely excited for this course! One day we have to come to class dressed in a way we normally don’t do (with an emphasis on dressing more masculine or more feminine) so I am excited (and a little scared) to see what I come up with that day.
Anthropology 103, An Introduction to Biological Anthropology: This class counts for my last AXLE requirement (raise the roof) in the Math and Science category. Although science and I do not tend to get along, this class is already turning out to be really interesting already, and I am sure we will learn a lot of cool things about bones and evolution.