The Performances Will Rock

Hey everyone! This last week of school is going to be crazy with all of the exams that are cropping up, but it will also be a performance-seeker’s dream come true! All the groups on campus are pushed into performing during these few days, packing our last week of classes with excellent displays of how talented Vanderbilt students can be.
Before Thanksgiving break, I got to see Vanderbilt University Theatre’s production of The Cradle Will Rock, which was phenomenal! VUT doesn’t traditionally do musicals but this one had the edge, radicalism, and serious subject matter that made it perfect for their organization. I loved seeing an intermix of the performing organizations here–key members from Vanderbilt Off-Broadway and The Original Cast participated in this sung production, which helped emphasize that you can participate in so many different activities during college–you do not have to commit solely to one domain.
I also got to see The Original Cast’s newest show, a production of Putting it Together by Sondheim. It was beautifully sung, costumed with class, and not as show-tunes-y as many of their pieces. Don’t get me wrong, I love their work–I am all for jazz hands and bouncing in my seat from peppiness and color saturation. But this piece was different, and I liked that shift, as well.
Now this upcoming week, The Melodores will be performing, as well as Vanderbilt University Concert Choir, Tongue n Cheek, and so many more. Victory A cappella’s concert is this Wednesday night, so we’ve been practicing like no other. The fast shift into a performance is daunting, but I know that we will do it well. I am so excited to share our talent once more with the Vanderbilt community.
No matter where you go in Vanderbilt, talent surrounds you. And I love seeing every minute of it!
…Until next time! :)