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Apple Crisp Adventures

Posted by on Thursday, November 28, 2013 in Family, Food, General Information, Thanksgiving Break.

Like many of my fellow Inside ‘Dores bloggers, I occasionally like to try my hand at the culinary arts. I, tragically, have not had much time to do so at school this semester so when I came home and heard we were in need of a Thanksgiving dessert, I readily volunteered to make one. The added kicker? One of our guests is trying out a gluten-free diet. Challenge accepted.

I decided to try my hand at an apple crisp and found an easy recipe for a gluten-free one here. It looked relatively achievable (I am by no means a skilled chef) so I decided to try it out. I gathered my ingredients, and of course, took that opportunity to creatively Instagram them (because I am, by all means, pretty great at Instagramming):

The Ingredients
The before.

Some peeling and slicing of apples, a sprinkle of cinnamon, a few other things and voila! The dish was ready for the oven. Fourty-five minutes later, the house smelled of apples, cinnamon, and deliciousness. Yum.

The results actually turned out incredibly well and, after gorging myself on turkey and other Thanksgiving foods, the warm apple crisp with vanilla ice cream was the perfect finale to a scrumptious meal. It was super easy to make, so my suitemates might just find themselves with a tray of apple crisp in their future.

The Crisp
The after.

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