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A Bodacious Break

Posted by on Sunday, November 24, 2013 in College Life, Family, Food, Student Life, Thanksgiving Break.

What better way to get back into the swing of blogging than to leave Vanderbilt?

I jest, but this one is coming to you from Oak Ridge, TN, as I begin my Thanksgiving break mere miles from the site of yesterday’s football victory over UT, denying UT a bowl game for a second year in a row and ensuring that all the disappointment of my freshman year (2-10) has been redeemed. I personally anchored down from the very heart of the UT student section. Go ‘Dores.

Over the next several days, I’ll be executing a masterfully crafted plan for Thanksgiving success, the components of which include:


As I believe I have mentioned before on Inside ‘Dores, I simply a-dore all forms of culinary pursuit. With Thanksgiving fast approaching, I’ll finally get to spread my wings and fly (metaphorically) through a wonderland of turkey, potatoes, cranberries and other such holiday-themed delights. With any luck, I’ll also get a chance to run by the farmer’s market (not the one in Nashville, but that one is ridiculous and everyone should check it out sometime) and pick up some local produce because, as they say, “local is bro-cal.” Or something.


DangerBears, hard at work.

As never specifically indicated in any of my blogs but readily apparent in my bio, I am exactly half of a two-person musical miracle known as the DangerBears. I, along with my other half, play at local gigs to garner a small donation for the Free Medical Clinic of Oak Ridge. We’ll be performing on Black Friday (DUN DUN DUN) at a coffeehouse event here in town to raise some money for the Free Clinic and to shill our recent CD (from which all proceeds go to the clinic as well).


I may not have mentioned this on Inside ‘Dores but I love reading more than cooking, and will be using the break to catch up on books and books and books that have fallen by the wayside during the school year. First up is Governing the World, which I received as an excellent birthday present, most likely followed by a thorough and close re-reading of every Clifford book.

More to follow. Nathan out.

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