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Baby Love :)

Posted by on Monday, June 3, 2013 in Exams, Family, Summer.

The first month of my summer adventures will have to come to you in 3 parts. That’s how awesome-filled it’s been. Part one: Pennsylvania.

The littlest and I :)

In order to fully understand this post, you will need some background information: On April 24, 2013, I officially retired my title as the youngest Philip family member when my niece came into the world. Luckily, my successor is the best little human being I have ever laid eyes on. Yes, that is a completely unbiased opinion. Well, you can imagine how difficult studying for my Physics final the next day, finishing a paper due two days later, and then the grand finale Organic Chemistry final became, but I came out of that 1.5 weeks mostly unscathed and ready to smother the precious addition with love. And I did just that!

Normally the process of moving out is more bittersweet, but after packing up the last bit of my things, I was only a little stunned that my third year was over and exceptionally ecstatic because I would be flying straight out of the conveniently close Nashville airport to see my niece! (I am 100% positive the realization of the looming end of my undergraduate career will come soon and with a lot of emotions, so prepare yourselves for that.)

I was able to spend 10 days at my brother’s place, and those days were chock full of making up nicknames for the munchkin, the smothering of love, and taking a lot (500) pictures of her. What? I don’t have a problem…

My sister joined in on the fun for a few days right after she finished her finals. Then we embarked on Part 2 of my New England tour: Boston!

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