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Pinterest Recipes and Ballet Bar Workouts

Posted by on Wednesday, March 6, 2013 in College Life, Exams, International Student, Spring Break.

Spring Break: I don’t really believe the “spring” part, but the break is needed. I’m visiting my roommate’s wonderful family in Denver, Colorado, and it snowed so much yesterday! I sat in their kitchen mesmerized at the flakes falling gracefully to coat the ground with a fresh layer of snow. Nashville hasn’t really introduced me to “real” snow, apparently.

While just plain bumming out, we created a list of Pinterest recipes to make. As much as I would love to satisfy the inner baker in me during school, its just not possible. First on our list: White Chocolate No-Bake Cake Batter Truffles.

What is this sorcery? Only a treat symbolizing every moment, when you were a child, that you licked that cake mixing bowl spanking clean after your mom had set it in the sink that it looked like it had been washed. Those things are delish’!

After masticating on some turkey burgers for dinner following our semi-productive study session, we made our way to the recreational center for a Ballet Bar workout session. I wasn’t entirely sure what “Ballet Bar” was beforehand, and I’m just as befuddled post-workout. It felt like a Pilates, but twenty times worse, and I touched an actual ballet bar for about 4 minutes of the one-hour slot. Anyway, it was a blast. My legs still hurt.

Another truffle? I think two will do the trick!

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