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Life as I know it.

Posted by on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 in Academics, Admissions Links, College Life, Extracurriculars, General Information, Studying.

Well, it’s been quite some time since you all have heard from me. This post aims to serve two purposes: 1. to prove that I have not, in fact, fallen off the face of the earth, and 2. give you a glimpse of my life as a second semester junior. My heart skipped a beat as I typed that out, just so we’re all on the same page.

This semester is sure to fulfill all of those pesky claims about the busy busy life of a second semester junior, but I have the same problem as last semester: I honestly love all of my classes and extracurriculars too much to actually complain about them! (Save for physics. Physics is still a mean subject.)

I’m taking 16 hours right now, so that means the majority of the academic week is devoted to classes, then preparing for classes, attending the classes I have prepared for… so on and so forth. It’s been great though! My professors are amazing, and my classes for my major, Medicine, Health, and Society, as well as my minor in Neuroscience really do foster some great academic discussions that, more often than not, leave me more knowledgable than I was before walking through the door.

Apart from classes, I’m still working at MacAuthority a few hours as week, leading tours for admissions on Fridays at 2pm (which is typically known as the best tour time, so if you’re thinking about visiting Vanderbilt–WHICH YOU SHOULD–you should probably come then!), and staying involved with student-led ministries like BCM and Cru.

International Justice Mission! A great organization for a phenomenal cause.

I am exceptionally excited about getting involved with a new student organization, the Vanderbilt chapter of International Justice Mission–an organization designed to help bring an end to human trafficking around the world. This is a cause that has been on my heart for so many years! I am ecstatic to be a part of the projected events for the semester that will raise funds and bring awareness to a very important cause.

I’m also trying to get back into somewhat of a fitness regimen, so attending fitness classes like Hardcore at the Rec (which is conveniently located right across from my dorm, so I really don’t have an excuse to skip…) helps me achieve this goal, as well as participating in intramural volleyball games with the BCM :)

I’m already a month into the semester; the first wave of major assignments has since come and gone. Waaaah time slow down! Such is the life of a busy but happy bee.

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