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Winter Break/Deuces ‘Murrrrica

Posted by on Monday, January 7, 2013 in Family, Food, General Information, Study Abroad, Winter Break.

GREEEEEEEEEEETINGS from Nashv…jk my house. While all of my Vandy friends had their first day of classes today, I packed and ran last minute errands to get ready for my semester abroad in Scotland! Which all begins tomorrow as I fly out of Newark at 7:30pm and land in Edinburgh at 7:30am Wednesday morning!!! I am only freaking out a little. But before I get to that, lemme catch ya’ll up to speed about my winter break.

So after a hectic last few weeks of school studying for finals, writing final papers, and of course attending christmas parties, greek functions, and trying to say goodbye to everyone and their mother, I made it back to upstate New York for my (almost) month long winter break. Up until Christmas, my break was filled with a lot of LAGL-ing [let a guy/girl lay…a term my friends and I are coining for relaxing, essentially]. I got to sit in my bed and watch Netflix, eat food, and of course catch up with my wonderful friends from home. After LAGL-ing so hard, Christmas was here before I knew it! For Christmas my family headed over to my aunts (only a few minutes from my house) to spend time with my extended family. It was a wonderful celebration and I am already excited for Christmas 2K13!

My sister rocking a new sweatshirt on xmas morning ;)

A few days after Christmas my family flew into Miami because we were taking a cruise that left from the Miami port. Because our ship left early in the morning, we did not want to risk missing the boat, so we flew into Miami a day early. This meant I got to hang out with two of my best friends from Vanderbilt, Ali and Lauren! They showed my brother and I all around the wonderful and warm city of Miami, and we all had a lot of fun! It was so nice to see them one last time before we all headed in different directions after the new year [Ali is going on Semester at Sea and Lauren is back at Vandy!].

My brother, Ali, Me, Lauren Miami chillin

After my awesome night out in Miami with my Vanderbilt friends, I met back up with my family and we boarded the cruise ship the next morning. Our cruise was a short one, but it was both fun and relaxing! The first day we were at Sea, the second we spent at the Bahamas, the third we were back at Sea, and the morning of the fourth day we were already back in Miami! It was really nice to spend some time in warm weather before heading over to Scotland [I will probably be wearing a winter jacket until May]. And of course it was even better to spend time with my family!

Miami Port
Doing my thing in the Bahamas

We flew back home on NYE just in time for me to celebrate it in style with my friends! I ended up at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute [RPI] with half of my graduating high school class, where one of my buddies had a NYE party at his fraternity house. It was a blast to say the least. A few days into 2013 I took a weekend trip to visit my fraternity big/best friend Mason in Greenwich, CT. Highlights include a trip to NYC, seeing my best friend from home Rachel [she was visiting a friend in Westchester], and lots of LAGL-ing.

Niskayuna, NYC, France, Miami, Nashville, and....Westchester? The best friends that ever were
NYC public library, one of my favorite libraries.

After coming home from Greenwich I have spent the past few days packing and getting ready for Edinburgh. I am mostly excited, but naturally a little nervous about being over seas for such a long period of time!. And of course I am going to miss Vanderbilt so much!!! This semester is going to be one crazy experience so check out this blog for all of my updates!

Deuces America and go dores,


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