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‘Tis the season for holiday parties!

Posted by on Thursday, December 13, 2012 in Art, College Life, Food, Freshman Life, General Information, Student Life, Traditions.

Here are the girls in Victory who were able to attend the party, with our received Dirty Santa gifts. :)

I adore going to holiday parties here at Vandy.  They’re always so great for relieving exam stress and providing a healthy dose of holiday spirit.  This year, I went to two of them: one for Vanderbilt University Theatre and one for Victory A cappella!

Before the holiday party, you are required to do three things: bake delicious treats, find a dirty Santa gift, and dress up.  This part was so fun!  A week before the parties, my roommates and I went scouting for tacky Christmas sweaters.  We went through four different thrift stores but they had all been cleaned out by some woman earlier that same day. :(  Luckily, we stopped into a dusty little bookstore nearby because it intrigued us.  We were then rewarded by an armful of old beautiful books!  Christmas presents?  I think so!

Here were some of the Dirty Santa presents--be amazed at the plethora of antlers!

A few days before the party, I baked brownies and banana muffins.  I loved getting to eat the deformed ones and being able to use my kitchen to its fullest capacity (I don’t get to cook often on my 14-meal-per-week meal plan, but I love it!).  I also went scouting for bizarre gifts to bring and found an enormous stuffed frog and giraffe that fit within the price ranges.  They were perfect for dirty Santa, which is one of my favorite Christmas games ever!

We played it at both parties, and generally just socialized in our Christmas costumes.  The VUT party even had a visit from Santa and his elf!  Christmas carols resounded in the background, finalizing the atmosphere.  Oh, how I love when the holidays approach at Vandy. :D

…Until next time!

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