Caitlyn’s Catch-Ups: A Friday Night Fiasco
Part 2 of my catch-up series: A Sonic Adventure. What started out as a quick trip to the thrift store to pick up last minute pieces of our halloween costumes turned into a night that I won’t soon forget.
The Friday after Halloween, my friends Alice, Rachel-Chloe, and I set off from campus in my friend’s car to gather the last few items needed for our halloween costumes. (Since Halloween was during the week, we celebrated on Friday.) The last thing we expected was to be stuck at Sonic for an hour and a half.
After a successful trip to the thrift store, we were hungry and decided to make a quick stop by Sonic before heading back to campus. We ordered our food, turned up the radio, and jammed out to 3/4 of Taylor Swift’s We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together before the radio suddenly turned to static and about ten seconds later, the car died. (Many of you may be aware that when you leave the radio on without the car all the way on, it runs down the battery–and believe me, I knew this. But a mere minute and a half isn’t generally enough time to cause the the battery to die. But this time, it was.)
Our helpful server brought our food as I attempted to roll down the window–I say attempted because it literally crawled down into the car door. Struggles. We got our food, sat in the car for about two minutes before gathering the courage to jump out of the car and ask the only other car at Sonic for jumper cables and some help. One of the workers at Sonic noticed our trouble and came over to help us (he was very knowledgeable about getting cars to start–he even cleaned the battery acid off with a Coke (who knew?!)). It took about an hour and a half, three different friendly people helping us, and an actual car guy from the National Tire & Battery next door to get the car started, because the battery was REALLY dead.
In the end, we made it back to campus in one piece (well…technically three since there were three of us…), albeit slightly late to our halloween party–but boy did we have a story to tell our friends! I think it really speaks to the friendliness of people in Nashville–so many strangers were willing to help us out, and the man from the tire and battery place didn’t even charge us.
Helpful gentleman from National Tire & Battery on Charlotte Pike, we thank you. (We also wish we knew your name.)