White Panda and Class Excursions
It seems like no weekend here at Vanderbilt is a boring weekend. And this weekend was no exception. After class on Friday, I spent my afternoon doing what I do best; loafing. I spent a good chunk of my Friday evening in my bed returning emails, calling friends and family, and catching up on my favorite TV show, ADVENTURE TIME(!!!). It was mathematical to say the least. Soon enough I was reminded by the loud dubstep and house music coming through my Tolman window, that it was almost time for me to head to “Lights on the Lawn”. As my fellow blogger and friend Hadley already mentioned, “Lights on the Lawn” was a benefit concert for our fellow classmate Luke Moretti who suffered a severe injury this past spring semester. All of the money that was being raised from the tickets sales was going to help purchase a LocoMotor training machine necessary for Luke’s rehabilitation. So around 10pm Friday evening, a group of my fraternity brothers and I headed over to Alumni Lawn to see White Panda, a fairly-famous DJ mash-up artist, perform. Not only did I get to see an amazing mash-up artist for $10 literally steps away from my dorm, but I also got to support a wonderful cause in the process. The Vanderbilt community is so strong and supportive, and it was great to rally together as a school to help out one of my fellow Dores.

On Saturday night, my Ethics and Animals professor treated our class to “vegan pizza” at Mellow Mushroom, a pizza chain right off campus. My Ethics and Animals class is a small seminar class that meets three times a week to discuss the various arguments for and against animal ethics. Because the class is so small and our professor is so engaging, we have gotten to know one another pretty well throughout the semester. My professor wanted us to get together outside of class to celebrate the completion of our midterm, which we just took about two weeks ago. So almost all of us met on Saturday night to hang out at Mellow Mushroom and enjoy their delicious vegan pizza. The differences between vegan cheese pizza and regular cheese pizza are in the cheese (naturally) and the crust. In the vegan cheese pizza, Mellow Mushroom swaps out normal dairy cheese, and uses dairy-free soy cheese instead. The crust, which is normally baked with parmesan cheese, has no cheese in it. Only half of our class is either a vegetarian or vegan, but it seemed that everyone really enjoyed the vegan pizza (I know I did)!
Aside from White Panda and my class field trip to Mellow Mushroom, my weekend was spent catching up on sleep, watching some Vanderbilt football (go dores!) and doing some homework. Luckily my midterms are long gone, and this week is a relatively easy one for me. Even better, homecoming is almost here!
Until next time,