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An Uneventful (but great) Break

Posted by on Sunday, October 7, 2012 in College Life, Fall Break, General Information, Movies, Nashville.

Over the next few days, you all will probably be inundated with stories of home, fun trips, and other tales of adventure from my fellow bloggers.  From me, however, expect stories of baking, movies, and sleep.

About two weeks ago, while on the phone with my mom, she happened to ask what my fall break plans were.  I proceeded to reply with an “uhhh….good question…”  (October really snuck up on me, guys.)  I quickly made plans to go visit my friend in Boston–and those plans were quickly snuffed out when she realized that she had midterms on Friday, and so wouldn’t be much fun for visiting.  I’m still sad about it :(

Anyway, after a few days it became clear that I would be staying in good old Nashville for fall break–as would my roommate, Lauren.  We started break off uneventfully–we watched some TV and then went off to bed before 11. (We’re obviously party animals, I know.)  We woke up around 9am on Thursday, the first full day of break.  After lounging around for a few hours, we peeled ourselves off the couch and went shopping for baking supplies–our mission for the day.  After a few hours of baking and watching Friends (as usual), we invited our friend over for dinner and ordered pizza.  Around 9:45pm, we decided that we needed to get out of Morgan and made the decision to head to Green Hills to see a movie. (We would end up doing this three times.)

On Friday, we went shopping for a bit at Opry Mills mall, before heading back to campus with our purchases and doing some more TV-watching before heading to Green Hills for the second time in two days, to eat dinner and see the movie Pitch Perfect with my little from AOII and some of her roommates. (Movie count: 2)

We found the Incredibles.

Saturday was possibly the most eventful day of break.  I got to go to Bridgestone Arena with my little and her friends to see Disney on Ice!  Being the lover of all things Disney that I am, it was probably the highlight of break.  After heading back to campus, I met up with Lauren again and we went to dinner in East Nashville, at Rose Pepper.  I’d never been to East Nashville before, so I was super excited to go!  And after we got back from dinner, we went to the movies yet again, to see The Perks of Being a Wallflower. (Movie count: 3)

So, while my break was maybe not the most exciting that you will hear about, I had a great time spending time with my roommate and just hanging out and relaxing–which is really what break should be all about!

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