The Chillaxing To-Do List: What to do over Fall Break…

A collective sigh of relief was exhaled as the sun went down this bright and sunny Wednesday. ‘Why?’, you ask. Fall Break is the answer. It’s the week when, right after you greet someone, you ask them where they are going for Fall Break and they smile and tell you with a tinge of anticipation. This question is the subtle reminder that the exams and cram sessions will soon be a thing of the past and we will all get a short time out, a breather session. Fantastic! Now…what to do?
Well, I decided to stay on campus this Fall Break. I’m sure you are thinking: ‘Boring!’ But, really, it is not. I love Vanderbilt when campus is let out. It’s like being home alone and getting to have that silent evening during which your siblings aren’t screaming up and down the hallways, you are allowed to eat whatever you want in the fridge, and you get to relax in a bubble bath (If you think I am weird for having such a vivid image of affection for being home alone, I give you permission to stop reading).
So, in preparation, I wrote down a list of things that me and my roommate are going to get done this weekend; this list includes some routine tasks, some exciting adventures, and some–just plain–weird escapades:
1) Go and watch a double feature at Green Hills Mall (Looper and Pitch Perfect, both movies which I have been dying to see, but haven’t had the time to do so during the school week),
2) “Veg”, in other words just be lazy.
3) Get the new Vanity Fair issue because Daniel Craig is on the cover,
4) Watch SNL because Daniel Craig is hosting,
5) Go to my favorite Cafe: Hot and Cold and eat Jeni’s Ice-Cream (The world’s best ice-cream: flavors are whipped up from organic milk and fantastic ingredients–such as Ugandan Vanilla bean– made to absolute, un-paralleled, perfection)
6) Climb up trees, yes we are weird.
7) Read my favorite Brazilian Comic Books, Turma da Monica,
8) Go to the International Cultural Festival, Celebrate Nashville, featuring world markets and food booths at Centennial Park,
9) Go to CVS and stock up on random toiletries and food items as well as…Bubble Bath Soap,
10) Do homework…yes…it still needs to be done.
Well, I better get to it! Hope you have a Fall Break that is as successful as mine looks!