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A Beautiful Day at Centennial Park

Posted by on Sunday, September 23, 2012 in Food, Nashville, Student Life.

This weekend, I finally got the chance to check out the Musician’s Corner free concert series. It turned out to be a beautiful day weather-wise and it was great to sit back and listen to music along with getting food from some of Nashville’s food trucks.

With my snow cone in front of the Retro Sno food truck!

I found out this year that every Saturday during September and October there are free concerts in Centennial Park, which is literally right across from the bookstore. Saturday afternoon I had the chance to go check out some of the music with my friend Lucia. We were pleasantly surprised when we got there to find out that there were food trucks. Unfortunately, I had already eaten lunch, but I did get a strawberries and cream snow cone from the Retro Sno food truck. One of the best things about food trucks is that they put their own twist on traditional foods, which tends to make them even more delicious. Lucia got food from the Jonbalaya truck (like Samantha) which also looked quite tasty. While I didn’t know any of the bands that played, it was fun to sit in the park and listen to new music.

The Musician's Corner stage

Along with enjoying the food and music, I got the chance to walk around Centennial Park a little more. My roommate, Sophie, was volunteering at an event for dogs and their owners which was also held at Centennial. I got the chance to pet some of the dogs up for adoption from the Nashville Humane Association, which is the organization that she volunteers with. The whole park was full of dogs, and I even saw a guy with an Irish Wolfhound that weighed 185 pounds! We also just walked around the park and the Parthenon, which was fun because I had never been up close to it before.

Sophie with a dog up for adoption!

The weather was also absolutely perfect, which made a day at the park even better. I’m originally from the Chicagoland area, so having a beautiful day at the end of September is still a novelty to me. I definitely hope to check out Centennial Park more this year and go back to the Musician’s Corner, as it was such a great first experience!

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