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Dorm Decoration: Part 2

Posted by on Friday, August 10, 2012 in College Life, General Information, Housing.

I promised a part two, and I’d hate to disappoint. Here are more tips for making your home away from home feel like home (Ann pulls off 3 homes in one sentence a little better than I do…):

1. Customize something plain. Cover a bulletin board in fabric, paint old picture frames, or make a plain paper lantern match your room colors–this tip gives you the chance to spice something up and utilize your DIY crafting skills.

My striped bulletin board. For my great inability to create straight lines, I thought I did pretty well.

2. Find bedding you love! Bedding is obviously one of the must-haves of a dorm room, so find yours in a color or pattern you absolutely love. Bring a favorite throw or blanket to add in that extra comfy touch.

3. Use cool storage bins. If you have the option, don’t settle for plain old plastic–use interesting boxes or containers to hold stuff out of sight. Form and function!

I love these storage boxes from Ikea so much that I have them both in Naples and Nashville.

4. Add curtains to up the coziness. Curtains make any room feel a little less harsh and can allow you to utilize natural light more! So get some for those bland dorm room windows.

Artsy curtain shot.

5. Don’t forget leftovers! Have an extra pillow case or flat sheet or any type of fabric you aren’t using? Use it to cover up a boring plastic box, or drape it over the standard chairs found in Vandy’s dorm rooms to pull everything together!

Can you tell I’ve been watching too much HGTV this summer? But really, dorms are great in that you’re only living there for a year–so use that time to experiment and make your room really feel like home!

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