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Reading Day

Posted by on Friday, December 9, 2011 in Academics, College Life, General Information, Nashville, Service.

As several of my fellow bloggers have mentioned, yesterday, Thursday, was the last day of classes for the fall semester. Final examinations officially begin on Saturday, running until Saturday next, and leaving a single day in between known as the Reading Day. According to Wikipedia, “Some universities refer to a week of reading days as ‘Dead Week’ ,” which is a silly, jealousy-inspiring idea. I contemplated what it would feel like to have a week of free-to-study days this morning at around 3:15, when I woke up to begin my single reading day. I was one of a small group of cadets who had volunteered to help out with Snowball Express, a program from American Airlines in which families of fallen service-members or casualties of the 9/11 attacks go on a vacation in order to help with adjusting and to honor their sacrifice. Due to the large number of volunteers from the Patriot Guard Riders and the 101st Combat Aviation Brigade from nearby Fort Campbell, our actual role was minor, but it was still a good cause to be involved in.

Seeing the families off.

Now that the day has moved to the evening (I woke up 14 hours ago, what is this madness??) studying has become the dominant theme! Thanks to my Linear Algebra, Dynamics, and Computer Recording Tech. classes, all of which had their last examinations/finals during class days, I only have two finals this week! Circuits I will be Monday morning, and, should I survive that epic struggle, Thermodynamics will be Tuesday morning. In the unlikely event that I complete both finals without suffering a mortal wound (or death), I’ll be heading home on Tuesday or Wednesday! However, I have no time to think of home – only Circuits.

Posting this makes you THINK I can do it!!


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