Final Friday of Classes!
I know I’ve been mentioning how I can’t believe how quickly this semester has gone by for the past few posts. You’d think that I’d be used to it by now, but no such luck. Within a mere week, my third semester at Vanderbilt will officially be over! Ahh. Still can’t get over that.

Well, this past week has had a little more than the usual amount of craziness that accompanies a typical week. I had reading and lab reports to keep up with for classes, as usual, but I also had my final biology test and my political science paper this due week! The test went alright and I got the paper done and turned in! So all that I’ve got left is two more lab reports and then preparation for finals. But that can all wait until at least Monday.
Today, I relax. And what better way to relax than to have a free massage?
Tonight in Sarratt Student Center, we have our biannual Mega Stress Fest, hosted by Vanderbilt’s Office of Housing and Residential Education every semester before finals! This is a popular topic amongst us Inside Dores bloggers because we love it! With free massages, facials, food, freebies…what’s NOT to love??
All I’ve got before this wonderful time of relaxation is my weekly prospective student’s tour with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions! I haven’t given a tour in the past two weeks because of Thanksgiving break, but I am VERY excited to give a tour today, when it is literally the most impeccable December weather I could hope for! It’s days like today when I really love showing Vanderbilt off to the visitors on campus :)