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Can you say “Time flies?”

Posted by on Friday, December 23, 2011 in Study Abroad.

Well, the end of my technical semester abroad has arrived. All of my courses are done, I just have to finish up some essays and wait for some questions from one professor to complete my take-home exam. Time truly flies, and it’s amazing how much can happen in such a short time.

Believe me, three months is far too short. It’s a shame that the school schedules do not align better. I am quite disappointed that I’ll be missing the last few lectures for some of my courses, and that I have to leave the wonderful group of friends I made here in Poland.

Last desserts at our favorite place, E. Wedel!

Despite the fact that I did not do everything I had wanted to do, I left Kraków with no regrets. I did as much as I felt I could do, and I met family galore that I had never known before! Aside from that, we spent our last few nights together at our absolute favorite places in Kraków, and my parents even joined us in our final festivities!

All of us in front of the tree at Pod Baranami

Looking back upon my entire time in Poland, I can whole-heartedly say that I am very glad to have studied abroad so early. It has only further convinced me that everyone who can should study abroad. This semester has opened up so many doors to brand new opportunities that I could not have attained without bonding with professors in another country. It allowed me to try and perfect a second language; just so you know, no matter what job or career you desire, a second language will give you a step up. Not only that, but this sort of experience helps you develop a brand new view, and even better, helps you appreciate your normal life, or even analyze it!

While I am having much difficulty with the thought that I soon have to leave this wonderful country, I still have another few weeks with my parents and my wonderful family here in Poland. Therefore, I have a chance to experience the holidays in a brand new way! However, I cannot deny my absolute excitement to return to Vanderbilt. I have friends and other opportunities waiting for me back home, and I cannot wait to go back!

Enjoying the spacious train cabin on our way to family!

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