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AOII Winter Semiformal

Posted by on Sunday, December 4, 2011 in Greek Life.

Last night was AOII’s third party of the semester, winter semiformal. Our venues are always a surprise because we meet at the house and ride together, so when the bus pulled up to the Country Music Hall of Fame, everyone was pretty excited. But I’m getting ahead of myself—

To start off the night, my friend Matt and I met a big group of sisters and their dates at P.F. Changs. I know that might sound similar to the AOII formal from last semester, but I actually hadn’t eaten at P.F. Changs since then, so it was still delicious. Also, my roommate from last year is a hostess there now so it was nice to finally see her since she’s crazy busy.

After dinner, we walked to the AOII house and boarded the bus that headed to the Country Music Hall of Fame. I’d never been there before and wasn’t exactly planning on it anytime soon (with finals coming up) so last night was a perfect opportunity to see it in all its glory. The building was decked out for the holidays, with a huge Christmas tree in the front lobby, which was also pretty huge. We all walked up the stairs to the dome area, where the walls were covered with plaques of inductees to the Country Music Hall of Fame. The DJ had set up his equipment in the dome so the music sounded great and he picked some good songs to play.

After hours of dancing, we rode the bus back to Branscomb and walked back to Highland Quad, to hang out in a friend’s Mayfield. We were all so tired that we just played video games and laughed and talked and eventually went back to our own places and crashed (I slept like a baby).

The venue was such a unique, classy establishment and I was surrounded by such good company (I’m looking at you fellow bloggers Caitlyn Durning, Victoria Barner, and even Evan Curran)! The semiformal was a fun last bang to end the semester. Bring it on, finals.

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