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Happiness Amidst the Gloominess

Posted by on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 in Academics, College Life, Extracurriculars, General Information, Service, Weather.

Rain is a part of the natural process of life. I get that. In fact, I enjoy rain showers from time to time. But let me just say that rainy weather makes me want to curl up in a ball to take a nap and have a lazy day. However, this week certainly does not allow for any slack time! 

Courtesy of Google Images. It was a rainy morning!

This is the time of the year when classes are wrapping up, final projects coming up, and the last exams before finals are within view. However, this is also one of my favorite times of the year–Fall! And Fall means Thanksgiving break is right around the corner. While it really is important to work hard these next few days and the weeks leading up to finals, I’m starting to get to the point where my focus is only on the food and sleep that awaits me at home in 3 days. So you could say that this shift in focus affects my productivity level for the larger part of the day.

Well, I had to wake up early this rainy morning to work on my Cystic Fibrosis presentation for my 9am MHS class. This was a presentation my group and I had been preparing for the past 3 weeks! Luckily the presentation went really well, but as I left class I was slightly regretting telling my friend Brian that I would go to St Mary Villa Daycare with him. (For those of you who don’t know, I volunteer there on Wednesday mornings and basically spend time with the children at the daycare!) All I could think about was how tired I was, how much studying I had left for my chemistry exam tomorrow, and how it was the perfect napping weather. But no. I decided to follow through and go with him, and let me tell you: Best. Decision. Ever.

Courtesy of the St. Mary Villa Child Development Center website. Some of the kids in classroom!

As soon as I walked in today, a host of kids greeted me with beautiful hugs and wanted to play catch right away. Many of them even remembered my name, which was quite endearing! My heart was instantly warmed, and for the next hour I was able to forget about the stress of school and spend time with people who had no care in the world but to have the basketball passed to them the most.

I love volunteering. I love kids. I love playing catch. I love that home is three days away.

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