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Busy, busy month!

Posted by on Wednesday, November 9, 2011 in Academics, Extracurriculars, Service, Student Life.

Oh my. I’m only 8 days into this month and I feel like I’m already running out of time! With only one month left of the semester, it is weird reflecting on all that has happened already and all that is still left before the semester comes to a close.

Courtesy of Google Images. I'm running out of time this semester!

For the past few weeks I’ve been keeping fairly busy with my job at the Children’s Hospital as a Pediatric Student Assistant two days a week as well as keeping up with assignments, reading, and studying for classes. On top of that, I’ve also had to spend a few days playing Tetris with my schedule for the upcoming Spring Semester to make sure that all of my classes could accommodate work, research, and being a tour guide for Admissions! This morning, in fact, I registered for Spring classes and THANKFULLY got into all of the classes I was hoping for. It looks like I’ll be having an early 8am start every morning. I still don’t know how I feel about that…

I do, however, know that I’m really excited about tomorrow because it will be my first day volunteering with IAHA. IAHA stands for InterAmerican Health Alliance. As organized by a fellow student, a few of us will be going to St. Mary Villa daycare–part of a Catholic Church here in Nashville–and will essentially be playing with young Hispanic children for an hour in the morning, helping the children speak English by exposing them to the English language. I have really missed working with young children, be it in my church nursery back home or visiting with family friends who have small kids, so this is a volunteer opportunity I am VERY excited to be a part of. I found out about it by being on the Medicine, Health, and Society email list-serve! Yet another perk to my major :)

[Important note: as a Vanderbilt Student, you are beyond well-informed about any and every opportunity available on campus through your email. I’ve had to embrace checking my email every so often, and I most always find something wonderful and new!]

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