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Accomplishments During Thanksgiving Break

Posted by on Wednesday, November 23, 2011 in General Information, Student Life, Thanksgiving Break.

I had many aspirations for Thanksgivng break: sleep, spend time with all of my friends back home, sleep, hang out with the family, sleep, finish a political science paper, sleep, study for a biology test, sleep, finish some leisure reading, and sleep some more. But this has to be one of those situations where “it’s the thought that counts.”

Finally finished it!!

Sleep is really the only thing I’ve diligently accomplished this break, but I definitely saw that coming. However, I am very excited to say that I have FINALLY finished the second installment of the The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins–Catching Fire! It’s taken me all semester to find time to finish a book I started at the beginning of the semester. I have the third book in hand–Mockingjay–but that’s got to be put to the side until I attempt to conquer the pile of actual work I have, unfortunately. I envision some “study breaks” during finals week will provide some time to finish the book. Hopefully.

My sister and I :) [Photo taken by Ceby Chacko]

Apart from sleeping, eating, and reading, it’s been so great to catch up with old friends and just enjoy being back at home with my family! Since this was my first time back at home without a million things going on (like fall break), we decided to have family pictures taken on Sunday! A family friend graciously agreed to spend a few hours with my (crazy) family and try to photographically capture the Philip Family in all our glory. We’ve only gotten a couple of pictures back, but we’re definitely excited to see how they all turn out!

I am SO beyond excited for Thanksgiving Day! I went grocery shopping with my mom the other day in preparation for the feast that we’ll be having tomorrow, and I believe it’ll be our best year yet! Ahhhh food :)

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