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Movies fo’ Free: The Man Who Fell to Earth

Posted by on Monday, October 10, 2011 in College Life, Fall Break, Movies, Nashville, Professors, Student Life.

In celebration of the beginning of Fall Break, a group of my friends and I decided to attend a free movie screening at the Belcourt theater.

Courtesy of Vanderbilt University, you can attend free movie screenings of certain movies hosted by faculty at the Belcourt, through a program called FLiCX. I do not take advantage of this program nearly as much as I’d like to, but a free movie every now and then is GREAT! Usually a professor suggests a movie to the program (but this time one of my friends did it!) and you have to participate in a discussion after the movie, which is super chill.

The film we went to see is called “The Man Who Fell to Earth” starring DAVID BOWIE! We decided to attend the film dressed in whatever one could call “1970s alien attire.” We took this following image as our inspiration…and came up with our costumes!

The movie was bizarre, to say the least (as I’m sure you could tell from the trailer). What we saw was actually the director’s cut, so there was an extra hour or so, which served to elongate our confusion. Essentially, the movie commented on pollution, corruption, and capitalism in America. If you’ve ever seen it, or go to see it, let me know what you think, because it was very difficult to wrap one’s mind around.

The rest of my night included going to an apartment-warming party and eating sweet potato cake, seeing an old friend who was visiting for Fall Break, and general college joy.

Off to the Smokey Mountains for Fall Break! Hope yours is great!

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