Midterms are here…
It’s that time of the semester again–that time when sleep and sanity are hard to find in many students’ vocabularies, when being surrounded by flawless weather makes you a little angry because you know you can’t let yourself be distracted…but you do anyway. Well, it’s that time for me, at least! I’d like to think that “struggle” has been my word for the week. Personally, I find that staying put in my room for too long to study results in a lot of time spent on social media networks, munching on an excessive amount of snacks, or walking up and down my hall talking to anyone and everyone who can keep me from the wonders that Organic Chemistry has to offer. While staying focused is a challenge for me, having access to buildings and libraries all over campus plays a major role in helping me get my work done.
Therefore, I usually pack up a bag and head to either Sarratt Student Center or the Stevenson Science and Engineering Library (one of eight libraries on campus!) and find a spot to call home for an indefinite number of hours. It really does help me focus when I see other students who have to write papers and study for exams as well. There are so many different places on campus that provide unique environments for every student, if they so choose, and are always accessible! Thanks to the marvel that is our Commodore Card, we have access to all buildings on campus, day or night. All we have to do is swipe our card at the card reader beside the doors, and voila! You have instant access to study rooms, meeting spaces, movie theaters in the lecture halls…whatever your heart desires.
And when I know that I am done studying for a few hours, things to do to pass the time are never hard to find! Whether it’s walking around in this perfect weather, grabbing food with friends on or off campus, or going to an event on campus, there are always great things to do that still let me get back to my study cave.
My silver lining? Fall break is within view! I just have to make it past three midterms in three days and then I’m home free! Literally.