Why Vanderbilt? Thoughts from a Graduating Senior.
As the Class of 2017 will join Vanderbilt in the fall, the Class of 2013 will graduate and begin the next journey of their lives. Instead of telling you why I chose Vanderbilt, which I have done many times (see previous blog post) I thought I would give you the perspective of a student who is about to leave Vanderbilt. Amy Lanza is a senior, and one of my good friends that I met during my first year. I decided to ask her a few questions about her undergraduate experience:
Hometown: Winter Park, FL
Major: Medicine, Health, and Society
Extracurricular Activities: The Nashville Mobile Market, Healthy Head Start, and Vanderbilt Alternative Spring Break
Plans after graduating: I’ll be pursuing my Master’s of Public Health in Epidemiology at Columbia
1. What is your favorite thing about campus?
There are so many interesting and passionate people here on campus. Although Vanderbilt may have a reputation for lacking in diversity, I’ve met so many people that come from such unique backgrounds that bring so much to campus life. Also, the amount of collaboration occurring on campus between different groups is incredible, and helps to foster an open-minded community.

2. How has Vanderbilt contributed to who you are today?
The passion among the student body that I mentioned above is empowering and contagious, and has motivated me to become more involved in activities that I care about. Since coming to Vanderbilt, I’ve definitely become more driven. I’ve realized that if there is something that you want to do, there are always people and resources to support you.
3. Is there any advice/ something you learned while at Vanderbilt that you plan to take with you as you enter graduate school?
One of the founders of the club Healthy Head Start constantly stressed to me the power of making connections. It doesn’t necessarily have to always be seen as “networking”; rather, just listening to what people have to say and educating yourself more about a subject. By making connections with those you respect and admire, you’re able to glean important information and advice you wouldn’t be able to receive otherwise.
4. After three years at Vanderbilt, what advice do you have for the Class of 2017?
Say “yes” to as many different things as you can, whether it’s inside or outside of the classroom. My favorite memories at Vanderbilt include eating at Pancake Pantry at 6 am during Rites of Spring, driving 24 hours with 11 other students to learn about immigration in San Juan, Texas through ASB, and studying the effects of after-school programs in Philadelphia through a summer program. Put yourself out there and you’ll most likely receive something great in return. And even if you don’t, you’ll have learned something new.

Congrats, Amy! I’m going to miss you, but I am excited for you and your bright future!