Weekend Home
I’ve already been up 5 hours and the day is young. No, I wasn’t cramming for a test or finishing up a paper, but rather driving 3 hours back from Knoxville. This past weekend, I went home and got to sleep in my own bed!
Originally, my best friend Meg from back home was going to come visit me this weekend to celebrate her birthday, but then she realized she had an Orgo test on Monday. When I mentioned the dilemma to my mom, she said she didn’t mind picking me up from Nashville on Friday.
I left right after my last class on Friday and got to catch up on TV for the rest of the day, not to mention meet the dog my parents just adopted from the vet (he’s adorable!). On Saturday, my mom and I saw The Vow (which I enjoyed but my friends at Vandy said they weren’t big fans) and then went to a birthday dinner for Meg. On Sunday, I saw Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace in theatres with my dad (which was just as good as I remember) and of course stopped by Target to pick up some essentials.
Another great part of being home was getting caught up on homework. I’ve had a busy couple of weeks and felt like I wasn’t giving enough time to some of my classes so this was a good opportunity to get a lot of work done.
This weekend was the perfect break before another wave of tests hits right before Spring Break. I’m definitely glad to be back though, because my friends have already made plans to get dinner and see a movie on Valentine’s Day!