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Myths about Vanderbilt

Apr. 10, 2018—First off, congratulations to the incoming Class of 2022 on recently being accepted to Vanderbilt! At this point, you are probably trying to make your final decision on where to attend college. So, to help make your decision a little easier, I have written this post debunking various myths about Vanderbilt that my own classmates...

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A Not-Quite-Winter Wonderland

Nov. 17, 2014—I’ve been at Vanderbilt for just over three months now, and some pretty cool things have happened. I made some great friends, learned a lot from my awesome classes, and even saw Bill Nye. But all of that pales in comparison to what happened today. Yes, lovely Inside Dores readers. Today, it snowed. I had...

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Southern Things That Seem Scary (But Actually Aren’t)

Sep. 28, 2014—For many of us, coming to the South is like visiting a completely different world. But take it from a California kid: it's not as scary as you might think. Actually, it's kind of amazing.

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Mule Day

Apr. 7, 2013—One of the reasons I came to Nashville from Chicago is that I wanted to see another part of the country. In Nashville, I could experience southern culture and all that came with it. However, Vanderbilt's campus doesn't feel very southern to me since everyone is from all over the country. But there are plenty of opportunities off campus to get the full southern experience. Yesterday I had the chance to go to Mule Day with some people from my ASB group and it was so much fun!

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Why Down South?

Nov. 22, 2011—Are you hesitant about going to school down South?  I know my friends thought I was crazy for going to school somewhere that was so different from home, but I don’t regret my decision one bit.

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