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Multiculturalism in College

May. 28, 2019—Hello hello, Inside ‘Dores readers! In this post, I’m going to talk about one of my favorite things about coming to college: multiculturalism and religious diversity! I’m a cradle Catholic, so when I came to Vanderbilt, I knew that I was going to attend Catholic masses and be involved in UCat (the Catholic community made...

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The Happiest Student at Vanderbilt: Random Things I’ve Done at Vandy (Christmas Edition!)

Dec. 23, 2015—Thus ends the first semester of my freshman year. I was my high school valedictorian and I failed three tests. I’m so completely ungraceful that I opened a door once and fell over; I learned to swing dance. I would have described myself as an “introvert” before coming to college; I’ve discovered I LOVE people.

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A Night to Honor Israel

Apr. 14, 2011—Earlier this week I attended an event called “A Night to Honor Israel.” Truthfully, the main reason that I went was to support one of my long time friends, Carver Morgan. He is an amazing person and since I met him almost 10 years ago in the mountains of North Carolina I have always admired...

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