‘group projects’
The Train Wreck that was Corporate Strategy, and How I Survived
Dec. 10, 2013—A lot of my life here at Vanderbilt revolves around group projects, which, day-to-day, looks like 10:45 pm meetings, Google Docs galore, throwing PowerPoints together like nobody's business, team evaluations, and projects that eat up your life. But you really shouldn't fret! I've compiled a guide to getting through group projects without too many scratches. After all, everyone says that business in the real world is just a giant group project. OH YAY.
Group Presentations Galore
Apr. 18, 2013—I'm a science major, so I'm used to your average "four tests and a final" grading system. This semester, I was thrown for a bit of a loop when I learned I would have group presentations in three of my four classes.
Group Projects Galore
Feb. 5, 2013—Perhaps you remember my group projects from various semesters. This semester continues to have a plethora of unique projects--and over my many group projects, I've found some common threads. Consider this your official group project guide.
Catch-Up with Nathan and Victoria: Part VIII
Dec. 9, 2012—Today's topic? This catch-up chronicle will capture the great gaggle of group projects I poured over in this stellar semester. Ah yes, this semester I conquered (well, I'm still in the process of conquering one of them) not one, not two, but THREE intensive group projects--and I have lived to tell the tale.