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‘assertive communication’

Still Stressed? Emotions, Time, and Communication

Apr. 2, 2014—In case you missed the previous post on stress management, check it out here! During the fourth week (including spring break) we continued practicing mindfulness and using positive but realistic thinking. We also learned the STEPS method of problem-solving: State the problem Think of solutions Examine the costs and benefits of a few solutions Pick...

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Stressed? Here’s What You Can Do

Mar. 21, 2014—College students face many stressors, usually related to jobs, family, finances, Greek life, residential life, keeping up appearances, worries about the future (grad school, finding a partner, starting a career), academics, and relationships, including friendships. It's a long list, with an equally long list of accompanying feelings/emotions, thoughts, and physical reactions, which contribute to behaviors in response to stress. Here are some tips for managing the stress in your life!

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