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Intro to the Gaming Industry

Apr. 11, 2011—On Tuesday night, I attended a special guest lecture in FGH. The lecture was given by Tom Carbone and Todd Deery. Mr. Deery is the Communication and Admission Director of the Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy (FIEA), a graduate program at UCF that focuses on preparing students for entering the gaming industry. Mr. Carbone is the...

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My Visit(s) to the Vanderbilt ER

Apr. 8, 2011—I’d like to apologize to all of you for being incredibly MIA as of late. I’ve been dealing with a very interesting health situation, resulting in two trips to the Vanderbilt ER. While this is unfortunate news for me, it allows me to share knowledge that I gained with all of you worrisome parents out...

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Feb. 14, 2011—There comes a time in every college student’s life when they realize that they have a person or group of people that makes them feel completely at home. This could be a roommate, a friend group, an extracurricular organization, a professor, or even a particularly friendly janitor. For me, it’s the Original Cast.

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And So It Begins…

Jan. 28, 2011—Hey there! Starting now, for an indefinite period of time (roughly equal to 7 semesters), I’m going to be sharing my life at Vanderbilt with you, the prospective students (“prospies”) and parents, in order to hopefully give you a better understanding of what life here is like and why you should pursue your undergraduate career...

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