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Linh Vu ’21

Greetings Dores!

My name is Linh Vu and I am from Hanoi, Vietnam, where you can discover a heaven of delicious food and experience the insane traffic jam. I am a sophomore (class of 2021) majoring in Cinema & Media Arts and Economics and minoring in Business.

I currently work at Vanderbilt Institute for Digital Learning, where my main task is assist faculty, staff and students with studio scheduling and training. On campus, I am on the executive board of Vanderbilt International Students Association (VISA) and Kefi Collective, a public arts organization. I also work for the Vanderbilt Divisions of Communications department as a Social Media Ambassador, and involved in My Vanderbilt Life, a student media channel, where I produce Professor Spotlights, a video series featuring outstanding Vandy professors.

I absolutely cherish every moments of my Vanderbilt experience, and I can’t wait to share with you more. I am a huge cinephile, pretty down-to-earth and always do things spontaneous. Please feel free to hit me up at if you have any questions about college life or just simply want to see a movie together! Anchor Down!

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