Already Planning for Next Year
Right now, I’m sitting in the corner of Panera in my AOII sweatshirt and leggings, drinking coffee and typing on my laptop…it feels like finals all over again. Luckily, finals are long over and I actually did okay on them! Even though I challenged myself by taking Bio and Orgo at the same time, like Erica, I had my best semester yet at Vanderbilt. I think this calls for a trip to Forever 21 to reward myself.
But back to the reason I’m actually doing work over break…in the fall of 2012, I hope to study abroad in England, so I’m working on my application. I’ve never been to Europe and I stopped taking Spanish classes last year, so I wanted to travel somewhere English-speaking. Not to mention the University College of London offers tons of Neuroscience and Psychology courses that apply to my major, but also London is the perfect city to study Theatre, and work on my minor.
Let me just say this right now, the Vanderbilt study abroad website is extremely helpful—it’s where I got most of my information. Before I knew where I wanted to go, I could search by country or subject to study, and then when I found a good program, I could click on a link that showed exact classes offered that are equivalent to ones at Vanderbilt. It even lists students who studied there recently who you can contact if you want more information. Luckily, one of my friends from high school just spent the last semester at UCL, so I plan on picking her brain pretty soon.
As excited as I am for studying abroad next fall, I have a lot of work to do before I can leave the country. For one, I have to finish studying Bio and Orgo this spring, and then take Physics this summer. At the end of August, I’m going to take the MCAT and pretty much be done with pre-med stuff, which will be a huge weight lifted. I knew I wanted to go abroad for a full semester, and I figured I wouldn’t be able to enjoy it with the MCAT hanging over me.
I know my plan will require a lot of hard work but I just imagine jetting off to London with pre-med behind me, and it all seems worth it.