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Adventure Science Center: U2 Laser Show!

Posted by on Saturday, November 26, 2011 in College Life, Freshman Life, General Information, Housing, Music, Nashville, Student Life.

The different residence halls around campus sponsor various events for their residents. This semester, I am living on Highland Quad in Lewis House. We get emails every once in a while advertising free food, free massages, free places to go, etc…FREE stuff!

The Adventure Science Center flier sent out by my RAs

Before Thanksgiving Break, I was lazily checking emails when I came across another free stuff email from my good ol’ Lewis House RAs. The key phrase I saw was: Adventure Science Center. The Adventure Science Center is a children’s science museum focused on getting kids excited about learning about science and technology through interactive exhibits and programs.

The museum reminded me of a children’s museum back home in Bloomington, IN called WonderLab and I’d really wanted to visit the Adventure Science Center since I arrived in Nashville my freshman year. Unfortunately, I hadn’t had the time yet to go. So I entered the lottery drawing for one of 30 spots for free transportation and entrance to the Adventure Science Center!

A few days later, I’d won! =)

I looked at the email list and located the names of two people I knew…whew, I wouldn’t be alone for the adventure! Once we had arrived, our RAs paid for our tickets and then we waited in line. I was confused…what were we doing?? Why weren’t we joyously exploring the museum?? Turns out the trip was actually to see one to two laser shows at the Adventure Science Center, NOT play around at the exhibits.

I was a little bit bummed out, but it actually turned out to be really cool. We went to the Sudenkum Planetariam and laid back in angled seats to view a rounded concave ceiling. The first laser show was based off around U2 songs and started with a breathtaking view of the night sky full of stars and a visible Milky Way.

The laser show was kind of intense, but all in all it was a very enjoyable (especially since it was free!) show! A few friends of mine and I opted not to stick around for the Queen Laser Show (something I kind of regret), but I was ready to return home for some homework anyways.

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